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journey back home to remember who i am beyond this physical body

My name is Jaymilli Borges. I was born and raised in Cayey, Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island, but I am from the stars. I am a yellow crystal human and Aquarian (sun, moon, Mars, and Uranus if you know astrology). My journey started when I came to Earth, and incarnate being the second daughter of five brothers and sisters, and a single Aquarian mom. Why this? Cause all of that taught me to love diversity, to be compassionate, empath, and warrior of love and light.

To start, I went from a dreamy, visionary girl who dreamed about the stars, sing my heart out, and to guide people, that’s what I remember from when I was a young girl. As I was growing that light and dreams went a little bit off with all the traumas and domestic violence I watched. At 15 years old, I experienced depression, lack of self-love and worth, experienced drugs, alcohol, long nights of partying, surrounding myself with people and environments that would never take me to my biggest power. Looking for stuff outside, instead of inside.

even though i was in the spiral i always knew deep inside that my life had a much bigger purpose or calling. i always knew I was here for something more than just that.

When I went to college at 18, I felt a call to astrology and the spirit world. I think I wasn’t ready because, at my 21 I had another breakdown trying to quit from the most valuable thing we have, LIFE, it was till that date, that everything changed. I remember that night, a big shift, like a switch in my head changed. The day after that big awakening, everything starts unfolding… Why I was the way I was? Why I went through childhood experiences? Why my love relationships never felt complete? and more questions started to unfold. At the moment, I told myself from now on, follow your heart and your calling.

It was at that time, when plant medicine, astrology books, tarot cards, yoga, meditation, and traveling to places my soul felt called to, came to me. I started to follow the voice of my heart and the teachings that Mother Nature showed me. There is nothing else in this world that I want to do than be of service and guide people to remember who they are.

I write this, so you inspire yourself. I am a testimony of what love and light can do. No matter where you are in life now, there is always a way to find your biggest potential, to hug your gifts and talents, and like seeds, spread them around the Universe.

Follow your heart, follow the call of your soul, follow your purpose in this life, so you can evolve.

With love,
Jaymilli Borges


studies and trainings

  • Bachelor Degree Foreign Languages, Tourism and Marketing Production for Radio ( Universidad del Sagrado Corazon)

  • Self-taught Astrologer and Intuitive Reader

  • 2OO RYT Hatha Yoga (Synergy School)

  • Angel Healing Therapy Certified (Centre of Excellence)

  • Astroterapeutica

  • London School of Astrology

  • Reiki Level 1 Certified

  • 30 HRS Thai Massage

  • Sacred Woman Circle Facilitator

  • Lemurian Shamanic Soul Reader

  • Womb Medicine Practitioner

  • Inca Medicine School (ñusta Paqo Pampamesayok in training)

  • Chumpi Paqo Healer initiated

  • Ancestral Gynecology

  • Postpartum Doula traditional

  • Birth in Temazcal Wisdom (hours)

  • Priestess Training


Llevaba mucho tiempo buscando alguien que me explicara la carta astral. Jay ofrecio esto, y me emocione mucho.Sin dudarlo senti la confianza en pedírselo, y brindarle algo tan importante para mi.Me lo explico con mayor claridad posible.Y sentí la pasion y el amor con lo que lo hacia.


“¡Excelente! Después de la lectura de la carta natal mi vida ha dado un giro de 360 grado, logré entender el ¿por qué? que tanto me preguntaba y ahora que lo sé la medicina me está llegando para sanar esa herida y conectar con mi propósito con la misión que me ha tocado manifestar en esta vida.”



Primeramente me encanto todo, desde la atención y conexión que se dio durante mi lectura la cual fue clara, precisa y siempre muy dispuesta en aclarar dudas y preguntas. Fue muy paciente durante la videollamada lo cual se prolongó un poco más de lo esperado. Recomiendo a Jaymilli 100%, un ser excepcional y llena de Amor. Aflora su pasión por la astrología y lo hace con mucho amor y mucho respeto. Mucho Éxito que sigas cosechando abundancia y sabiduría a través de tu trabajo.


Jaymilli is an amazing soul, loving and dedicated person also aware, strong, determinated, loyal, gentle, a real fighter and a true rebel who dares to love in this times of uncertainty. All of this reflects on her work as a yoga teacher and healer. You can definitely trust her as a guide or mentor to the work that you really wanna do.”